There is music that numbs you. It’s your coworker’s Taylor Swift playlist on repeat over Bluetooth while you’re stuck washing dishes for the next two hours. It’s the new Meghan Trainor single radiating out over the plaza when every one of the many restaurants in sight is packed to capacity and you’re starving. It infuriates you to the point of inaction. It blinds you with annoyance and rage. And when you hate everything, you can’t love anything. You can’t direct your passion if you are stripped of your direction.
And then there is music that makes action. It’s the music that gives your brain a shock of some brand new, never before heard sound (or maybe it was dug out of a dumpster, flipped, subverted, and churned a bit). It’s the raw sonic synergy that makes you contemplate the life you live, a life you once lived, a life you could be living. It’s the pinpoint verses and choruses that give you a new perspective or awaken some deeply suppressed code tucked between your arteries, unscrambling and rescrambling the concepts and ideas you always felt but could never articulate. It’s the music that zaps you awake from the slumber of boredom. It’s the music that surprises you. It’s the music that provides hope.
It’s the music that wants you to write a song of your own.
I swear that music is probably one of the last bastions of intellectual potential in today’s world.
Tags: music, things I enjoy