Posts Tagged ‘Big Mac in a Small World’

Wednesday, April 6th, 2022

Someone on Twitter liked my album art for my friend Maxwell Major’s most recent album so much they made bracelets inspired by it. That’s pretty neat.

The Chicks Are Too Real

Wednesday, March 23rd, 2022

My personal copy of my friend Max’s most recent album—which I did the album art for—has finally arrived in the mail! Interesting compromise of packaging aside, it’s an honor to have my artwork exhibited out there in the world in this way—and to have it attributed to such a solid album!

The sweater I’m wearing here I had completely forgot about and not worn in over a year until after was completely finished with the album cover. Gotta dress for the occasion…

Go listen to it here:

The Fish Has Come Out

Saturday, February 12th, 2022

My friend Max’s new album is out! If you’re looking for something tantalizingly zesty, intellectually stimulating, and totally DEV-O, this is the album for you. (I’m the one behind the album art, by the way.)

Now go listen to it!