Posts Tagged ‘politics’


Friday, May 12th, 2023

A Facebook friend reposted this. I would normally begin my commentary by trying to introduce this guy, but you can get the complete gist of him and his outlook on the world from this screencap alone. The fact that he’s Indian and not some white guy is probably the most surprising thing about him.

He says that he would make it so that people under 25 who don’t serve in the military or as first responders would have to take a “civics test” to be eligible to vote. Allegedly, younger people lack “civic experience” and therefore need to prove their dedication to society by, presumably, either memorizing biased facts that they’ll forget two hours after taking the test. Turns out that having to live through the America that other people have shaped through their votes and experiencing its ups and downs firsthand just ain’t cutting it. Even if your county banned books from the library of the high school you just graduated from or decided that your little sister can’t wear jeans to class anymore because it’s too “androgynous.” (Considering the extent of some legislation being passed today, I wish I was joking when I said that isn’t an unreasonable proposal for legislation in today’s world.)

That five year old kid down the street with a lemonade stand providing refreshments for everyone stopping by for his mom’s yard sale? Better make him pack up not just because he doesn’t have a permit, but also because you can’t just get off that easy trying to call that “civil service”, kid. Best learn the facts of life early.

With the 26th amendment to the Constitution existing, the general reaction from the professionals seems to be one of shock and disapproval, including, according to him, his staff, which is quite amusing. The peanut gallery does show some approval in the same way that some people who worked their asses off to pay off their student loans refuse to see a world where people don’t have to go through the hard work and pain that they did. America will do that to you, I guess.

If this guy really wanted to ensure that everyone who votes is on an “equal playing field”, maybe he’d call for public school systems to educate young people on how their country works and promote media literacy and transparency. But his focus is obviously not on inclusion. It is based on a systematic form of suppression against the potential that young people hold to make great societal change.

Vivek Ramaswamy would want me to say that he can’t say make such a statement, because he wrote a book called Woke, Inc., man. Critique means straight censorship to him, probably. But it’s just sad that we’re at a point in time where someone can make such a statement. It’s sad that someone can suggest that we undermine and oppress an already vulnerable group of people who did not choose their position whatsoever. It’s sad that someone can use such an egregious statement to his advantage for political notoriety points. It’s sad that such a statement can garner support from people who likely no nothing more than the selfish and unsympathetic propaganda that such a statement only amplifies.

Sacrifice your body for the government’s twisted needs, or take a stupid test. That’s what you’re worth to us. That’s the message I’m getting from this, as a young person.

Shame on a country whose political discourse has become so warped and desensitized to favor fascist thugs while the people who want an actual equal playing field are shunned and discredited as “radicals”. Nothing but shame.

Marketplace Of Ideas?

Tuesday, June 14th, 2022

I’m forced to look at political discourse daily thanks to the beautiful nature of the internet, and with the January 6 hearings kicking off and the like, I’ve been seeing a lot of it lately. But it’s all the same old story. The key to making bold points on the internet, form what I’ve seen, is to come off as someone who can see through every dirty window and every veil of fog when it comes to how the world works. I am right and you are wrong; you are fallible, I am not. But people seem to forget that no one is truly immune to propaganda. The world tells you that arguing on the internet about how awesome your political devotion is over everybody else’s, will help change society’s most deeply rooted flaws. It’s not going to.

Having your voice out there in the world is important; it all depends on how you use it. I wish that people collectively could strive towards turning their ideas into some sort of worldly force, one as creative as it is subversive and as diverse in its contributors as it is unified. The world doesn’t want that. There are plenty of much more productive ways to use your emotions than trying to come off as superior than others on the internet. That’s what the world wants you to succumb to.

While left-leaning people who surely do want to make positive change were bickering over crap that doesn’t matter, a group of brainwashed assholes were able to mobilize an attempt at a military coup on the concept of democracy and the truth (not that they hadn’t almost entirely chipped away at it already and are still doing so). That was over a year ago, and with chuds continuing to reign supreme in and outside of politics and perfectly capable people still yelling into voids, nothing has changed.

“Anger can be power; don’tcha know that you can use it?” asked the Clash. Do we have to keep saying that to the people where and when it really matters?

A Whole Lotta Love For The Unlovable

Saturday, November 20th, 2021

The more I hear talk of “societal progress” and the like, the more numb I become when I see heaping piles of evidence of societal regress. It feels as if there’s no logic in the world we live in, a world where killers walk free while the kindhearted are rendered powerless. “Disappointed, but not surprised” is a sentiment I’ve been seeing around a lot lately, and it’s not hard to get disappointed at how cruel humans are towards each other. Why is it that, when the public good needs protection, the only response is the enforced individualism of useless culture wars? I thought we were supposed to judge each other on a moral basis, not on arbitrary factors like the relative pastiness of our skin. Or maybe we are judging each other on our morality: the ones least interested in protecting human life get put at the top while the bottom of the chain belongs to the people who just want us to all get along. There’s nothing more frustrating than seeing how blatant this display has become.

It’s easy to forget the things that bring joy to life when such emotions and chaos are swirling all around you. Yet I’m still reeling from DEVOtional two weeks ago, and it’s painful knowing that it’s going to be five months until I get the chance to congregate with all those beautiful mutants again when DEVO hits New York. But that weekend also gave me a renewed vitality and sense of worth in a world where I constantly feel shoved to the background in favor of the usual army of apathetic conformists. Being my true self was an advantage for once.


Saturday, September 11th, 2021

Since I could first cognitively think, September 11 has been a day of lecture. Every year on that day, my teachers would take a special few minutes at the beginning of every class period to reflect on and explain their personal 9/11 experiences to us. It was an attempt at contextualization for our young, burgeoning minds who never got to live in a world without taking your shoes off at the airport or the Department of Homeland Security.

It sometimes feels unreal that, as much as I may relate to the adult role models who surround me, they knew waters that I will never swim in and no one ever can again. The pool is remodeled, and all those changes can’t be undone, and all I can do is read the recounts, look at the old photos, and try to understand the facts.

I never intend to speak for my entire generation’s perspective, though. As much as my generation gets classified as a homogenous cluster of activists and freethinkers, I know first hand how blatantly ignorant and close minded some people my age can be. Sadly, looking at the world through the clearest lenses I have, it’s quite safe to say that most of them will retain their false pride for the rest of their lives. While some love to argue otherwise, cruelty and selfishness know no generational restriction. Just look at the response that was unleashed twenty years ago, when not blindly saluting the flag in the name of Middle Eastern slaughter was “un-American.” I wonder why Muslim hate crimes in America have yet to reach pre-9/11 levels after they skyrocketed in 2001. Humans here aren’t as nice as the propaganda makes them out to be.

With American flags waving in the wind right beside Trump 2020 signs, it seems like barely anyone has learned from the jingoism, the violence, the hatred. But was learning ever the point? The wildfire continues to rage, and people continue to suffer in cruel ways supported by deep roots. The fostering of close-mindedness and suppression of critical thought that billowed up like clouds of debris smoke resulted in a terror that was homegrown, not some tricky bogeyman from abroad. It is a terror that has culminated in the destruction of lives and the obliteration of common sense, and there’s just no going back.

You can decline the supersize Freedom Fries offer with your Happy Meal, sure. But when Big Daddy has force fed you blind submission to the powers that be your entire life, isn’t succumbing just so much easier?

Poor News Report

Saturday, August 21st, 2021

It’s 2021, and the boys are back in town—the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan boys, that is. Almost twenty years after the American military sent the Taliban’s government went into exile, they’re back in power after America’s (truly weak sauce) withdrawal. You would think that twenty years of occupation would have produced some hurdles for the Taliban to climb, but their regain of what they had lost was sickeningly swift.

It’s the miserable end of a miserable war that has been going on since before I was born, one that, looking at the plain hard facts, ultimately proved useless for the greater good. The money has been spent, the death toll is still staggering, the weapons suppliers are doing exceptionally well, and the innocent people of Afghanistan, humans like you or me, are back to being incessantly victimized by an excruciatingly oppressive and fundamentalist state. Got enough of rose-tinted late 90s-early 2000s nostalgia? Try going back 500 years, when women weren’t permitted autonomous thought and simple forms of recreation were considered a front against the man upstairs. Heaven on earth, truly.

But is that really that different from the country I reside in? You can rejoice in the streets about how a man in a blue tie is in office, but that isn’t stopping the men in red ties, the conservatives, our own Taliban, from trying to exert their own archaic control over the populous. Bills proposing the restriction of voting rights, abortion, and gender expression continue to pop up like kernels of butter-drenched popcorn at the movie theater, granted that movie theater hasn’t closed down because of a local spike in COVID-19 cases.

The COVID problem is also an important matter here, as leagues of religious fundamentalists claim that wearing a mask for the safety of others in the middle of a worldwide pandemic is some ungodly offense. Vaccines, too, are seen as satanic, as they’ll apparently rape your body with either a tracking chip or reptile DNA, depending on which science disbeliever you ask. All this when hospitalization rates of those who abide by these reckless behaviors are spiking from their selfishness. We’re going back once again, back to when leeches and snake oils were used as cure-alls. Mind, these are the same people who also want to restrict the bodily autonomy of women and other innocent people in the name of the lord, just like those Taliban boys over there.

And did we all just forget about when the so-called patriots who believe all of this tried to pull their own takeover at the Capitol building last January? I witnessed the attempt at insurrection on live television, and I can remember it like yesterday. Unsatisfied by Biden as the country’s choice of president but fully aware that his election win was genuine, I had innocently turned on the news hoping to simply observe his presidency be validated, because seeing democracy actually happen successfully is pretty satisfying in today’s perpetually corrupt hellworld. I was aware that the moment was one that would be placed in the history books after months of incessant “Stop The Steal” squabble calling for another four years of Trumpolini (like the country hadn’t been decimated enough by the first four). I also expected counterprotests at the scene by those delusional goons indoctrinated into his suicide cult of personality, because you can’t help but do so after four years of fringe conspiracy insanity becoming mainstream political discussion.

What I ended up seeing was a nation’s people mobilized against itself, their brains rotted by lies and conspiracy, exerting violence in the name of tyranny, the decimation of what remnants of democracy we still claim to cling to. The halls of the Capitol became the stomping grounds for a horde of neurotic rednecks, a deranged militia free to roam in defilement of something once considered worthy of protection. All sanity and sense of what should be was forcibly ejected out the window. The patients had taken over the asylum.

It still unsettles me to think about; I never would have expected for the world’s forces of de-evolution, those dangerous delusions, to catalyze such an attack, to go that far off the deep end. People died that day. Many others feared death or worse. It was a nail in a coffin.

But we’re America. We’re united. We believe in freedom—freedom to treat others like dirt because they’re different than you. It could never happen here, could it?